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Articles - Visual Basic

A new vb5/6 decompiler - by crackpro
A new vb5/6 decompiler.A great tool
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Create standard Win32 DLLs in VB - by Ron Petrusha
How to create standard dll's in vb6 that include exports.
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Game Programming in Visual Basic - by Greg English
Game Programming in Visual Basic". If you like it or even dislike please tell me what was wrong and what was good
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BitBlt & GDI32 for the Thick-Headed: BitBlt explained, + Load Sprites, Double Buffering! - by Tim Miron
BitBlt [and GDI32] for the Thick Headed" is an in-depth, plain-english, streight-forward tutorial that teaches everything there is to know about BitBlt, and some related API. It covers everything from loading bitmap files into memory (no more picture boxes) to double-buffering (say goodbye to the SLOW 'AutoRedraw'!) to Explaining the BitBlt API in PLAIN ENGLISH. PLUS the tutorial only takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete! (A completed version of the example project is also included)
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Transfering Files With The Internet Transfer Control - by Max - Demian Net
Thanks to the Internet's ever-increasing prominence in our world, we developers are constantly finding new and better ways to take advantage of its capabilities. Frequently, that means finding new ways to perform tasks on the Internet - pushing the limits to do something that hasn't been done before. At other times, we must find alternate paths to take advantage of functionality that's existed for years, such as file transfers using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP gives us the ability to send or receive all sorts of files across the Internet. Web browsers use underlying FTP functionality when downloading files. We can employ that same functionality in our Visual Basic applications to transfer files across the Internet or intranet by using the Microsoft Internet Transfer Control.
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Multithreading in Visual Basic. - by Philipp Weidmann
How to do multithreading in visual basic.
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An Introduction To DirectX 8 - And More!!! - by Simon Price
This HUGE tutorial covers DirectX 8, DirectSound8, DirectInput8, Direct3D8. It includes everything - from knowing nothing to having a good grasp of DirectX 8 with Visual Basic. It even goes beyond that and explains the logic needed to create 3D geometry and animation. There is a fully documented sample program too! And a glossary of terms - not just DirectX terms - but general programming and 3D mathematics too! The best DirectX 8 tutorial you are ever gonna get for free! Even people who already know DirectX should read this, as it goes onto more complex subjects. Especially people who have learnt DirectX 7 or earlier.
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Using windows hooks in Visual Basic - by Merrion Computing
Using windows hooks in Visual Basic
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Changing a form's shape with SetWindowRgn - by Merrion Computing
Changing a form's shape with SetWindowRgn
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Arrays or Collection objects? - by Merrion Computing
When to use Arrays or Collection objects?
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